Hair Salon Business Bundle Template Google Sheets Excel Spreadsheet
Hair Salon Business Bundle Template Google Sheets Excel Spreadsheet
Looking to streamline your salon business? Look no further than our Salon Business Planner Bundle! With both Google Sheet and Excel Spreadsheet options, you can easily organize appointments, track inventory, and manage finances. Take the hassle out of running your salon and get back to doing what you love!
★ What's included? ★
You will receive 2 Excel Spreadsheets with this listing:
- Excel Spreadsheet Worksheet .xls fileÂ
- Google Sheets Excel Spreadsheet Planner Template
(Please note: This printable is for personal use only and cannot be resold or given away as a freebie)
Why should I order printables?
~ Instant Download
~ No Waiting
~ No Shipping Fees
~ You can print as many as you want!
Your colors that you print out may be a bit different than your computer. It all has to do with color calibration of your monitor. So my pink may be darker than your pink at home, make sense?
Make sure you use real good paper quality, so it prints nice too!
Remember - this is an instant download. Nothing will be mailed to you. Please note that you’ll be receiving just downloads to print these out at home. Make sure your printer has fresh ink so they look pretty! Or you can always take them and get them printed at a professional photocopy place.
Refunds and Exchanges
Hey there - so I understand sometimes we buy things and they don’t look the way we planned. I don’t like to do refunds, cause hey - how do I know you didn’t already use it? But listen - I’m an easygoing chick, so if you have a serious concern about your order, holler at me in the messages and we can work something out.
Our items are copyrighted by savvy and Thriving. Please understand these items are for personal use only. You can print and use, but please don’t resell, reproduce, or anything else uncool.
Enough about the serious stuff….
Let me know how your journey is going! I’d love to hear about your success!
Good luck to you! One little step at a time!
Savvy and Thriving
Our goal at Savvy and Thriving is to help women plan, budget and organize through Excel Spreadsheets.